UI Action Quick Action

About the UI Action Quick Action


UI Action Quick Action

About Using the UI Action Quick Action as a Composite Quick Action

Limitations of Using the UI Action Quick Action in a Composite Quick Action

List of UI Actions

Classic Action Designer: UI Action Quick Action

About the UI Action Quick Action

The UI Action executes an action within a form.

Image of the UI Action Quick Action Block

You can switch to a designated child tab and open a blank form for a user to fill out. There is no way to pass parameters with this action; instead, use the Insert Child Object action. See Create a Child Record Quick Action.

There are several actions used with incidents. To see these, open the Incident workspace, click More > Edit Actions, and select Graphical Action Designer from the popup.


  • All commands are case sensitive; mixed case does not work. Use the values defined below.
  • You must enter null in the parameter if a command is not used. Leaving it empty is not the equivalent and produces different results.
  • Not all parameters are mandatory for each action.

See Example: Using the UI Action Quick Action to Open Another Workspace (CAD) and Example: Using the UI Action Quick Action to Open a Workflow (CAD) for examples on how to use this action.


To access the parameters select the Action Block to display them in the Settings pane.

Action Block Settings

  • Block Label: A unique name for the block. This is useful to identify each action when you have more than one of the same action block added or cloned in the design area.
  • Scope: The access point of the action. For a list of what to enter here, see List of UI Actions.
  • Command ID: The Command ID to run, such as NewChildObject. For a list of what to enter here, see List of UI Actions.

    StripHTML is not supported in the UI Action action block.

  • Confirmation: Optional. The confirmation message to show. When the application displays the confirmation message, you can continue the action or cancel. See UI Action Quick Action for more details.
  • Command Data: The data against which the command is run. For a list of what to enter here, see List of UI Actions.

    Click Open Script Editor to open the Script Editor in the Graphical Action Designer workspace and enter a custom Command Data script.

Click Save to commit your changes.

Start Block Settings

These settings are accessed by selecting the Start Block, see Start Block Settings.

This action does not respect the Auto-save checkbox option in the Start Block settings. It does save changes directly to the database, but please ensure that the behaviour you expect still occurs.

About the Confirmation Message

The following is a template for the confirmation message:


    "Title": "<text>",

    "Message": "<message>",

    "Timeout" : <timeout>,

    "TimeoutAction" : "<action>",

    "Ok" :"<action>",

    "Cancel" :"<action>"


Parameter Type Required Description
Title String Required Dialog box title string.
Message String Required Message displayed in the dialog box.
Timeout Int Optional Dialog countdown in seconds. Countdown does not occur if not provided.
TimeoutAction String Optional

Action to be executed when the timeout has expired.

"continue": Equivalent to user clicking OK. Use all lower case.

"cancel": Cancels the operation; equivalent to user clicking Cancel. Use all lower case.

Ok String Optional

Action for the OK button.

Can be "continue" or "cancel".

The OK button is not shown if the parameter is empty.

The default value is assumed if no value is given.

Cancel String Optional

Action for the Cancel button.

Can be "continue" or "cancel".

The Cancel button is not shown if the parameter is empty.

The default value is assumed if no value is given.

For example:

{"Title":"Request to Logout", "Message": "Do you want to log out now?",
"Timeout": 30, "TimeoutAction": "continue", "OK": "continue", "Cancel":"cancel"}

About Using the UI Action Quick Action as a Composite Quick Action

We strongly discourage you from using the UI Action action block in a Composite Quick Action. Neurons for ITSM does not support this configuration, and it produces inconsistent results.

When using the UI Action action within the Composite Quick Action, note the following:

The UI Action action block relies on the UI commands in the browser, not the server side.

Non-UI actions rely on server side actions.

The UI Action action is built as asynchronous. Send the request and return immediately (without waiting) to the composite framework to continue other actions.

Use the UI Action action within a Composite Quick Action at your own risk. This procedure is not recommended, and it could cause unexpected results.

Limitations of Using the UI Action Quick Action in a Composite Quick Action

Canceling the UI Action action block does not cancel the remaining actions defined in the Composite Quick Action.

Add the UI Action action block as the last action (highly recommended).

Use only one UI Action action block in a Composite Quick Action. Multiple actions can produce unintended results.

List of UI Actions

All values are case sensitive. Be sure to use the values exactly as documented.

Logging Out of the Application

Refreshing the Application

Opening a URL in a Pop-Up Browser

Opening a Link Stored in a Business Object

Opening a New Layout Tab by Business Object Type

Opening a Web Page in a Sub-Tab of the Application

Searching for Results by Condition from the Current Context

Opening the Object Referenced in a Different Field

Prompting for the Incident Number, Then Open It

Creating a New Task Business Object in a Workspace

Creating a New Incident in a Tab

Closing the Current Tab

Creating a New Child Business Object

Logging Out of the Application

This action brings up a confirmation box asking the user if they want to log out. If the user does not respond, they are automatically logged out.

Log Out Dialog Box

Field Value to Enter
Scope Application
Command ID Logout


"Title":"Logout in",
"Message":"Do you want to log out?",


Command Data null

Refreshing the Application

This action refreshes the window and updates the application data. Equivalent to F5 or Refresh in the browser.

Field Value to Enter
Scope Application
Command ID Reload
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data null

Opening a URL in a Pop-Up Browser

This action automatically opens a new window to the specified URL. Invalid URLs result in a 404 error (Page Not Found).

Field Value to Enter
Scope Application
Command ID OpenWindow
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data

    , Target:"_blank"
    , Options:"width=400,height=500"    
    , Replace:"false"

Opening a Link Stored in a Business Object

This action opens a pop-up window to the URL specified in the Subject field of a business object.

Field Value to Enter
Scope Application
Command ID OpenWindow
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data


Opening a New Layout Tab by Business Object Type

This action opens a new tab.

Field Value to Enter
Scope WorkspaceSelector
Command ID OpenObjectTab
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data

Use one of the following:






    ObjectType: "Incident#",
    ForceReload: false,

Opening a Web Page in a Sub-Tab of the Application

This action opens the web page defined in the URL parameter of the Command Data field. The web page opes in a new tab within the application. The value of the URL parameter can be external, such as http://www.ivanti.com or can reference an internal Neurons for ITSM web page. See Logging In or Accessing Records Using URLs for information about internal URLs.

Field Value to Enter
Scope WorkspaceSelector
Command ID OpenLinkTab
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data

    "Id": "ivanticom",
    "Closable": "true",
    "Url": "http://www.ivanti.com" 





   "Name":"AppStore Partner",
    "Id": "heatsoftwarecom",
    "Closable": "true",
    "Url": "/?frameless=true&Scope=SelfService&CommandId=NewServiceRequestByOfferingId&Tab =ServiceCatalog&Template=7EFF29BC6FB446D395509DF1A0A99EEE" 

Searching for Results by Condition from the Current Context

This action passes the priority from the current business object.

Field Value to Enter
Scope ObjectWorkspace
Command ID Search
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data

         "Condition":"=", "FieldValue":"$(Priority)"}

Opening the Object Referenced in a Different Field

This action opens the incident that is referenced in the Subject field of the current business object.

Field Value to Enter
Scope (uses previous value)
Command ID (uses previous value)
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data

         "Condition":"=", "FieldValue":"$(Subject)"}

Prompting for the Incident Number, Then Open It

This action asks the user for an incident number, then opens the incident.

Field Value to Enter
Scope (uses previous value)
Command ID (uses previous value)
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data

         "Condition":"=", "FieldValue":"$(Prompt("Please enter Incident Number",""))"}

Creating a New Task Business Object in a Workspace

This action creates a new task in a layout and links the current business object. The value from the current business object can be passed in this way including linking the parent incident to the task. This is equivalent to the Insert Child Object action. This option allows the application to move the data from the current context to the child record. You must supply the relationship details as part of creating the new business object if they need to be linked.

Field Value to Enter
Scope ObjectWorkspace
Command ID NewObject
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data

    "ObjectType": "Task#Assignment",
    "Fields": [
        {"Name": "ParentLink_Category", "Value": "Incident"},
        {"Name": "ParentLink_RecID", "Value": "$(RecId)"},
        {"Name": "OwnerTeam", "Value": "$(OwnerTeam)"},
        {"Name": "Owner", "Value": "$(Owner)"},
        {"Name": "Subject", "Value": "$(Subject)"},

Creating a New Incident in a Tab

This action opens a new layout with a new object as referenced in the command data ObjectType.

Field Value to Enter
Scope ObjectWorkspace
Command ID NewObject
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data

    "ObjectType": "Incident#",

Closing the Current Tab

This action closes the current tab.

Field Value to Enter
Scope CurrentTab
Command ID CloseTab
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data null

Creating a New Child Business Object

This action creates a new child record with the default assigned to the new business object. Typically, a relationship push constraint is used to move the data from the main business object to the child business object.

Field Value to Enter
Scope CurrentTab:ObjectWorkspace:ObjectView
Command ID NewChildObject
Confirmation Optional. If empty, the application used the default brackets and generates the default confirmation box.
Command Data

    , ChildObjectType:"Change#"
    , NewObjectType:"Change#"